Returning home from our trip to Falfurrias has caused mixed emotions. Although I am happy to be home it has been somewhat difficult to adjust. Going from having a set daily routine with a strong purpose, one different from what I’m used to, to not has been hard. This trip has truly made me appreciate everything that I have and the privilege given to me in many ways.
I was able to learn a lot while in Texas. As I had predicted, there are many aspects of this trip I had attempted to prepare for that I really couldn’t do ahead of time. Until experiencing even a fraction of what migrants may face while crossing the border firsthand it is impossible to truly grasp the process. Even then the full extent of the journey is still unfathomable. The idea that anyone has to go through this is very difficult to contend with. I feel that I have not only gained a greater understanding of the crisis taking place at the border but will be able to educate others on what is taking place and how it affects everyone, not just those that are near geographically. I am grateful that I will be able to apply what I have learned during this trip to my continuing education and future career.

I also learned a lot about working as a team in a drastically different environment than normal. Initially, I thought that a slight adjustment would be necessary for our team but that we would work well together. I am happy to say that my prediction was true. Although we were in a new place and new environment, we were able to get to know each other, support one another, and get along well. We accomplished our goals and improved each day. This was a really important aspect to make our trip successful, and I believe that it was.

This experience is undeniably one of a kind and I am extremely thankful that I was able to be a part of it. Even though there were times of struggle, it was all worth it to provide any assistance we were able to offer. I would be very happy to experience it all again in the future.