The Field Team photo by Guy Housewright
Well, I’ve been absent from this blog for over a week now, and I sincerely apologize for my lack of blog entries. As you might have read from previous posts, I suffered mild heat exhaustion which landed me in the ER for an evening and ended my field season a day early. Despite being upset from being held back by my health, I was extremely proud to hear how amazing the final day was and that our season finished up smoothly. I took the remaining time to rest up and organize video footage from the trip. I hope it makes up for the lack of posts on my part.
At long last, after a week of editing, I would like to present Beyond Borders – A Short Film. This is the most detailed film I’ve ever edited (hoping Sarah and Esy might throw a few pointers and comments my way, I would love to hear from the pros…!) I tried to give the viewers a succinct yet rich perspective of our time in Falfurrias, TX. I can’t emphasize enough how much I enjoyed reliving the memories through the editing process; the more I worked, the more proud I was of us as a team.
As always, thank you so much for reading, watching, and joining us!