Category Archives: Snapshots

Random things about us

Birds, Biscuits, and Baylor

A whataburger ad stating "Whataburger, just like you like it" with a hamburger beneath

Thank you San Antonio for the biscuits and gravy! I thoroughly enjoyed breakfast.  While making our way to Falfurrias I heard the exciting makings of a couple remixed 90s songs, “Highway to Fal” and “The Fal and the Furious (movie title but potential song).  After failing miserably to bird watch from the car, I decided the time would pass a lot quicker if I went to sleep, so I did.  My plan worked! Once I woke up we were in Falfurrias.  Unfortunately, while I was sleeping I missed a bird that was seen by the team but I figured I would see it again later.  Shortly after we arrived I experienced one of many first experiences, which was WHATABURGER (very popular in Texas).  After eating I compiled my bird list for the day.  My list consisted of a red-winged black bird, black vulture, turkey vulture, laughing gull, scissor-tailed flycatcher and more birds that I have not yet been able to identify but I’m sure I’ll get another chance.  From the list of birds that I could recognize, my bird of the day would definitely have to be the scissor-tailed flycatcher.  I will be looking at birds while here, so each day I hope to post a bird of the day or every other day.  (Yesterday was a great day for birds in San Antonio; the team helped me find a yellow-crowned night-heron, great-tailed grackle, boat-tailed grackle, and a molted duck.  Along with the house sparrow, rock dove, and mallard that I see in Indiana all the time.  My day one bird of the day was the yellow-crowned night-heron).  After the food and the birds we met up with the Baylor students and we headed to the cemetery.

A yellow crowned night heron standing on a rock over water

A Scisso-tailed Flycatcher standing on a barbed wire line

Not being a part of the crew last year, this was going to be my first time going to the cemetery.  I was not quite sure what to expect as my cemetery visits are kept to a minimum when I’m home.  However I had a pretty basic idea of what I thought I was going to see.  For the most part my impression of a cemetery is green cut grass and headstones in rows and around the cemetery.  As we approached the cemetery the ideas of what I thought I would see, and what I actually saw were slightly different.  The cemetery was very congested.  There were far more headstones than I thought I would see.  I am also familiar with flowers being on graves, but here I saw toys left on headstones, decorations like wind mills, along with flowers.  Although some of these items look like they could be just decoration, they are surely sentimental and it gives that particular grave site its own identity.  We went to look at the area that we are going to be working in and it was the complete opposite.  There was no identity and although I am sure if has not yet sunk in completely, I was still saddened knowing that that there are individuals being buried with no identity to the naked eye (headstones, flowers, etc).  After attending a funeral this past month it is hard to fathom the idea of not knowing or even being there for that person.  I am grateful to be a part of this team and hopefully, although the graves are not distinguishable by some type of personality, we will be able to help identify these individuals and give some people peace of mind.

Cheneta Morrison

From Indianapolis to San Antonio – Video

I made a video compilation of our first day of the trip to test out the cameras and to capture our experience in the wonderful city of San Antonio. Our flights and travels to the city went smoothly. We took the day to relax and adventure before work begins this week. Of course we had to visit the Alamo in all of its glory and explore its history and artifacts. We then ventured over to the Riverwalk and took in the sights, sounds, and food of the heart of San Antonio. Couldn’t have asked for a better start to our trip. Hope you enjoy the video, and as always, thanks for checking out our blog!


Day One: Indianapolis to San Antonio

Taco Challenge!

Upon arrival to our downtown San Antonio hotel, we quickly checked in and needed to make a very important decision…What should we eat? After early flights out of Indy we all had gotten quite hungry –and having hungry graduate students is never good.  We decided to take the advice of one of the hotel’s employees and quickly made our way to Moses Rose’s Hideout.  They are known for their in-house smoked brisket, fresh burgers, and live music.  When we walked up to the restaurant we were greeted by a curious fellow who led us into the restaurants foyer, which appeared to dead end.  He then informed us that everyone must perform a trick in order to gain entrance into the restaurant or face a heavy cover charge.  He suggested jumping on one foot, hula-hooping, or rubbing your belly while patting your head.

We all took our turns, not all that concerned about being embarrassed in front of each other – it’s definitely not the first time that has happened.  He then pressed a button on the wall which opened the secret door to the hideout.  As we walked through the saloon doors we were greeted by the other patrons with rounds of applause and soon realized that there was a live video feed into the restaurant of our less than stellar moves.

Brisket tacos in a basket with paper lining
         Brisket Tacos

However the air in the room was full of smoke from the smoking briskets and the amazing smells and thoughts of food quickly replaced our minor embarrassments.  All of us knew brisket had to be the food of choice.  Jessica and Cheneta went for brisket topped burgers, Justin got a brisket sandwich, and Dr. Latham, Ryan, and I went for the brisket tacos topped with pico de gallo and guacamole, they were fantastic! And so began Dr. Latham and my taco challenge! We are going to eat some sort of taco (defined as anything wrapped in a tortilla) at least once a day.

So stay tuned for future food and exploring posts as we make our way south to Falfurrias!
