Category Archives: Human Rights, Migrant Death

Talking about the project itself

Day 7: Smarter AND Harder

I’ve been fortunate to be part of Team UIndy for part of yesterday and for the full day today. I was part of the team for all of the first two digging seasons, but unfortunately wasn’t able to help for the full season this year. But because I was able to be with the team for the full day today, I figured I’d write today’s post.

Today the team started the main process of working on the first section we ever worked on here in Sacred Heart Burial Park, from 2013. This is an incredibly challenging task, because it involves moving more dirt than we’ve ever moved before, in a very small window of time. Essentially, we were tasked with developing a strategy that allowed a six-person team to completely check a plot of land that was originally searched by approximately 30 people back in 2013. We only had one gravemarker to show us where a grave could be, and we knew that we would encounter empty coffins from 2013 after we had already exhumed the individuals from inside, which could eat up our limited amount of time.

Our solution: we dug three trenches, each about a meter apart and about half a meter deep, that spanned a main portion of the plot of land and from which we will expand in the coming days. From the trenches, we could probe deeper with a T-probe to try and find coffins, and we could also probe at an angle into adjacent areas without having to dig. With this strategy, we can check all of the land with only doing about a third of the digging. And it worked.

Today we recovered two individuals, one that was marked by the aforementioned gravemarker, and the other being someone that was missed in the 2013 exhumations. We also found a few empty coffins, but were able to analyze the situation, verify that there were no individuals inside, and continue along efficiently. I made the cliche remark to Justin today, “Work smarter, not harder”, and he replied, “I hate that phrase. Every time I hear it I think ‘How about you just do both?’ “. Today was that day: we worked smart, and hard.


Shovels standing in a large pile of dirt with people walking in the background.

Breaking Ground

These first few days of working out in the field have certainly been eventful and have held true to our team’s mantra of “expect the unexpected.” Not an hour into our first day at the cemetery, I found myself holding a very expensive and fancy piece of equipment, a GPS with base station and rover, or as we call it “The Magic Stick.” I have heard of equipment such as this but have never seen it in action, nonetheless been able to operate it myself. I was simply inquiring about how the equipment worked when Dr. Nick Herman, a professor of anthropology at Texas State University, thrust it into my hands and set me out mapping the scene using the GPS technology. So quickly into our work here in Texas I was given such a great opportunity to work with a tool that I may have never otherwise gotten an opportunity to experience, and it felt pretty cool.

A team member holding the middle of a tape measure with another team member holding the end in the distance.The next day, we broke ground and began the exhumation process (you can read more about it here). It was a day filled with excitement for many reasons. It was exciting to be a part of a team that worked so well together and adapted quickly to new and challenging situations. Additionally, the exhumation process itself was incredibly exciting and rewarding to be able to participate in. Another excitement factor, however, was somewhat expected but not quite to the degree to which we experienced it – the media. We were all told to be prepared for possible media presence at the cemetery but I don’t think any of us expected there to be such a significant amount of personnel following our every move. I know I certainly did not expect to be interacting with the media so closely myself. Through working on forensic cases back in Indianapolis, my instinct is to have tunnel vision when it comes to the media and so I tend to pretend that they aren’t even there. This was nearly impossible to do yesterday – they were everywhere and all around us, often getting very close into our personal space. I have to say, I was not always comfortable with the situation. Never did I feel pressured or unsafe, though some of the media personnel behaved better than others, but it was just something that I was not used to and did not expect. It was definitely a unique experience.

Today was unexpected in the sense that it lasted several hours longer than we had Four team members taking depth measurements of a burialanticipated. We were out in the cemetery from sunup to sundown, just about 10 hours, and we were busy for all of it. Today was the day where I think we all fully realized the importance of being prepared for anything. The first half of the day went pretty much as we had planned, and we thought we had just about completed the excavation of our area. However, some of the officials who have been involved with this human rights work for some time assured us that there may be more work to be done before we move on to a different area. We attempted to probe the ground with steel T-probes to detect any disturbances or objects in the soil; what we Team members using t-probes in the soilfound was areas where the soil was so soft we could probe right through and other areas where we had to use our entire body weight just to move down a few inches at a time. We were not confident enough in these results to draw any major conclusions about whether there may be more remains in the area or not so we decided that the best way to proceed would be to dig a trench throughout the entire section in order to be sure. Unfortunately, at this point the sun was already setting and so we were going to have to resume this on our next day in the field.

I think all of us are feeling quite tired and sore tonight as we finish up our work at the hotel. Tomorrow, however, we have a break from the physical work in the field as we take a trip to volunteer at the Sacred Heart Respite Center. Though we will not be shovelingA wooden cross, metal marker, and flowers for a burial. massive piles of dirt and moving buckets upon buckets of soil, we will be challenged both mentally and emotionally as we immerse ourselves even further in this crisis situation at the border. I am both nervous and excited for whatis to come tomorrow, and as much as I have been told about what our volunteer work will entail, after today I am reminded to expect the unexpected and to be prepared for anything.


Day 6: Cold day in Texas

Team members beginning to dig a trench.
Digging a test trench

Apparently when we arrived in Texas, we also brought the weather from Indiana with us. Today we were back in the field and although we started later (9am), it was still 28 degrees with a windchill that made it feel 19 degrees. Always prepared for changing weather conditions, our group packed on the layers and headed out to the cemetery.

Upon arriving at the cemetery, we unpacked our gear and went to two new areas to map. Prior to leaving on Thursday, the cemetery grounds keeper pointed out two more areas that had unidentified migrants buried. One area did have two markers that stated ‘unidentified’ while the other area was void of markers due to them being damaged previously. After mapping the areas, Texas State arrived, split into two groups and started excavating the two areas. Our group, went back to our original section and dug two trench pits on either side of the previously excavated burials. Both trench pits did not reveal any anomalies and were back filled. After finishing that area, we relocated to the section where UIndy and Baylor University had excavated in a previous field season.

Team members laying down and reaching into a burial.
Excavating a burial

The previous field season took place in 2013 and sometime between now and then, another unidentified migrant was buried in the same area. Our group focused our efforts on excavating this burial, which  has already turned out to be quite different than the first three and we have not even finished the excavation. The soil is more dense than the other site (the other site consisted of mostly sand) so our walls are not collapsing as easily as they did compared to the first site.

A group of people around pizza boxes.
Warm Meal on a Cold day

Our field day was cut short today because an extremely gracious lady from Falfurrias brought us a hot dinner (rice, beans, brisket and pizza).  She even brought warm socks for everyone in the group. This act of kindness shows the magnitude of generosity that majority of the visitors that we get at the cemetery have towards our group. The food was absolutely amazing and was greatly appreciated by all, it was a lovely end to a hardworking day. Tomorrow our plan is to head out to the cemetery at 7am and to immediately start on our quadrant in hopes of making signifiant progress. However, if we have learned anything this far; it is to expect the unexpected, so who really knows what tomorrow will bring.

Team photo in the cemetery.
Group Photo
