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Which Way Home

I thought I’d write a quick post to share a documentary that I watched on Netflix the other night. The film is called “Which Way Home” and follows a few young children as they make the dangerous trip from Guatemala to the US border. The filmmakers ride “La Bestia” with them, stay in migrant shelters with them, and share many experiences of fear and anxiety with them. But for me, the most interesting part of the film was hearing what the kids had to say: why they were migrating, what they thought the US would look like, what their life at home was like, etc.  I was absolutely blown away by the developed, complex answers that many of the children gave, some who were only nine years old. Some have recently argued that children have arrived at the border with scripted answers that aren’t necessarily honest, but it is obvious from the multiple interviews throughout the film, many during extremely tense moments, that these children are giving honest answers.

Film Poster of Which Way Home with two young individuals pointing and looking into the distance with a map of mexico and texas over a blue background with the film credits at the bottom

Those answers from children are a perspective that I’ve longed for ever since I was invited to assist with this crisis. Sure, people have told me what children say, why they come to the states, but the answers told to me are somewhat generalized, and the game of telephone does not necessarily reflect an accurate perspective of the child migrant. This film helped to supply that perspective. Yes, I realize that documentaries are also indirect and that footage is selected specifically by editors, but hearing the kids talk and experience the extremely dangerous journey was incredibly eye-opening.

Children laying on metal grating with a moving background of brush
Children ride “La Bestia” through Mexico. Photo from HBO.

I encourage our readers to watch this documentary. It is emotionally rough, but very real to what is happening right now. I wish I would have seen it before I went back to the field, but I’m also happy that I didn’t see it until I returned; it filled gaps in my knowledge of the crisis and answered questions that I didn’t know to even ask.

If there are any other movie/documentary suggestions that you might have for us, please shoot us an email and we will be more than happy to post them here on our blog! As all of us have been pretty forthright about in our previous posts, anyone can help towards this crisis simply by seeking an understanding of the multiple perspectives that go into this crisis and to share those perspectives with others.


Update: While researching more about “La Bestia”, I came across this article from last month. Which Way Home was released in 2009, and so some changes may have occurred since then. It will be interesting to see how things will change (if things will change at all) as a result of the recent train ban.


Beyond Borders Team members working in a burial from the ground surface with trowels with string outlining the boundariesAs I reflect on my experience and my journey I am in awe of the path I have taken.  I watched the first of many presentations on Brooks County my fall semester of 2013 and I was amazed at the work that was being done there.  Knowing that it was a field I would want to pursue I was captured by every word Dr. Latham said.  After receiving the invitation to become a part of the team, it did not take me long to respond “of course”.   I was no longer a spectator.  I became a member of the team and I listened to stories and more presentations, each one capturing me like the last.  Then the day grew nearer, then I was in Falfurrias.  Participating and helping the team accomplish another feat as they looked at me as one of their own.  Throughout the whole trip I thought once I learned something that was it, however I was mistaken.  I learned something every day I was in Falfurrias and I will never forget any of those things.  I was able to spend two weeks with amazing people and would not trade that for anything.  I cannot thank Dr. Latham enough for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of this miraculous group.  My eyes have been opened to the situations that people are being faced with every day from the ranchers, to city officials, to the migrants and the community, to all the volunteers assisting.  Everyone has a role to play and I am thankful that I was able to do my part.


Beyond Borders- A Short Film

All members sitting and standing in rows for a full group picture, all in matching shirts and an array of hats and headbands

The Field Team photo by Guy Housewright

Well, I’ve been absent from this blog for over a week now, and I sincerely apologize for my lack of blog entries. As you might have read from previous posts, I suffered mild heat exhaustion which landed me in the ER for an evening and ended my field season a day early. Despite being upset from being held back by my health, I was extremely proud to hear how amazing the final day was and that our season finished up smoothly. I took the remaining time to rest up and organize video footage from the trip. I hope it makes up for the lack of posts on my part.

At long last, after a week of editing, I would like to present Beyond Borders – A Short Film. This is the most detailed film I’ve ever edited (hoping Sarah and Esy might throw a few pointers and comments my way, I would love to hear from the pros…!) I tried to give the viewers a succinct yet rich perspective of our time in Falfurrias, TX. I can’t emphasize enough how much I enjoyed reliving the memories through the editing process; the more I worked, the more proud I was of us as a team.

As always, thank you so much for reading, watching, and joining us!
